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26 May 2014

The Way of the Bikers UK

There is more to the biker life then people think. It is not just about loving bikes and having a bike. Its not about being in a gang and doing what ever you want, its about being FREE and being part of a family. 

The majority of bikers don't like to steal, kill and scare people, They have every day jobs, wife, children like the rest of the working population. They just want to be left alone.  It is about what is in your soul! You do not chose the life! the life chooses you! Its simple.. you will either fit in to this way of living or you wont! there is no in between, The biker life is straight up and quite simple! "Say it how it is or f*#k 0ff" "If you don't like it, f*#k 0ff"

Bikers are individuals/outsiders, never fitted in with the rest of the world for some reason or another, used to being shunted and judged by small minded people all their lives. So when you come across a biker and he/she is walking down the road looking like a pit ball, remember, it is not to put the fear of god in to people it is to protect themselves from the ignorance of the world.

It is known world wide that there are some bikers out there who are giving the life a bad name, But what people need to realize is that they are not all the same. unfortunately this is not easy to prove and will no doubt be an ongoing battle for as long as there are bikers.

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